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Hey there, it's Rena!

Nice to meet you!

I’m Rena Hedeman – part Yale-educated strategist and ICF-certified life coach, part personal development junkie, and part best girlfriend wanting the absolute best for you and committed to helping you get it.

I’m a professional certified career and life coach, award-winning speaker, entrepreneur, wife, mom of three, and lifelong learner.

And just like you, I’ve had my lows, my self-doubts, worries, fears, and near-breaking points.

I’ve had failures, set-backs, and spent many sleepless nights wondering “where am I going?” and “what’s next for me?” and “how do I get there from here?”

My Story

If you’re over 40, I’m guessing that you’ve had at least one traumatic experience that has truly brought you to your knees – perhaps a divorce (your parents’ or your own); a serious accident; fertility problems; life-threatening illness or death of a sibling, parent or child…

One of mine was when I almost lost my life in childbirth and our beautiful baby girl passed away soon after she was born.

As you can imagine, it changed me profoundly. (You can read more about that here if you want.)

I was 39 at the time, happily married with two young daughters, and although I was extremely grateful to be alive, I was profoundly devastated by the loss of our baby girl.

The day Liza died, I made a promise to her - that her beautiful, short life would not be in vain...

I promised her that from then on, I would live each day FULL-OUT...

...that I would not hold back out of fear, worry or self-doubt.

I took time to heal and then move forward.

The aching sadness eventually quieted down, and I felt happy and grateful to be alive...

Then in my mid forties, things started to shift…

(Maybe you can relate?!)


For the first time in my life, I started to experience anxiety - yet I had no idea why or what to do about it. And I found myself feeling "blah" a lot more often.

In addition, insomnia started to keep me awake most nights, so I was exhausted during the day. I also often felt pissed off and annoyed - even little things felt irritating.


My skin was becoming much more dry and itchy, I began to notice more minor aches and pains...

And Lord knows those lines and wrinkles were literally starting to talk to me from the bathroom mirror every day.

Don't even get me started on those hot flashes and night sweats!


My teenage daughters, who had always been sweet and good-natured, started acting rude and hostile sometimes, as well as very moody and less communicative. Welcome to the teen years!

My marriage was ok but my husband and I were both so focused on work and the kids.... It's easy to not be in sync when you don't prioritize your relationship!

Changing hormones and stress overload cause chaos in your body and brain.

Add to the mix:

  • teens you worry about

  • aging parents

  • career stress

  • financial pressures

  • kids leaving the nest

  • relationship issues

  • feeling "old"


When I was going through a particularly turbulent time in my life, Rena asked me some tough but powerful questions which helped me get crystal clear about the direction I wanted my life to go and how I was going to get there.

After working with her, I had the courage and inspiration to write my first book and am now writing another!

- Dena M.

Working with Rena is exciting, interesting and fulfilling. Her insight, calm demeanor, and conversational ease made it very easy for me to create positive, directed changes in my life.

Rena’s warmth and gentle inquiry allowed me to feel entirely comfortable, as well as productive, about the steps I was taking towards positive change. 

With Rena, you will discover more of your true, full, and complete self. I am so grateful for the deep and tremendously fulfilling benefits of her coaching.

- Katharine M.

I came to Rena for coaching when I felt "lost in a dark and very expensive forest" a few months ago. Things just weren't working. I was constantly in a fog, unable to think straight or focus.

After her help in picking through the layers of stress and mayhem, the fog began to lift. 

I would recommend Rena to anyone who isn't able to move either forward or back or up or down. My thanks to her are profuse and sincere. She's an amazing coach.

- Marianne R.


My specialty is helping midlife women unlock the secrets to looking and feeling their absolute best, from the inside out.

I can help you feel and BE even more radiant, strong and fulfilled than you were 10 years ago!

If you're not loving those midlife body changes (you know - aging skin, a little more belly fat, you might even pee a little when you sneeze or cough)...

If you're in a funk about your career, empty nest, or wondering what's next for you...

If you're feeling less energy, shifting emotions, or a sense of loss (loss of youth, loss of close family members and/or friends, possibly a disconnected marriage/relationship)...

You're In The Right Place...      

I'm in my fifties, so I get it... women over 50 (or even over 40) face so many life changes and transitions. But if you have 1) solutions that work, 2) a solid plan, and 3) a coach to help you navigate the path forward, this chapter of your life will be your happiest, most fulfilling time ever.

Get ready to step into a new light, give your body, mind and relationship a revamp that suits YOUR desires - and look & feel better than you have in YEARS!


Subscribe to my newsletter and get free tips on beauty, skin care, body care and relationships... How to be your most gorgeous, vibrant, happy self in your late 40s, 50s and beyond!

Rena Hedeman Formal Bio

Rena is a certified business and life coach, entrepreneur, and award-winning speaker with 30 years experience in personal and professional development.

With a BA from Yale University and PCC certification from the International Coaching Federation, she has personally coached thousands of men and women from a variety of backgrounds since 2009.

Rena’s superpower is helping women discover their superpower and purpose, create their next chapter, and level up in the areas of mindset, body, and relationships.


© 2022 Rena Hedeman All Rights Reserved.